No podcast can be developed, written, hosted, and made available to you, the listener, without money. All of these items have a cost. There is the cost for all the equipment — computers, microphones, interfaces, software, and high speed internet service — which is required to record and edit an episode. There is also a cost to maintain a website and for a company to host the episodes and put them out to the various podcast providers.
Would you prayerfully consider a small donation to continue to allow this podcast to exist? This will ensure that Jesus Stories will continue to be available all around the world. About half of my listeners come from outside the United States. That surprises me. But, it also tells me that there is a need for Jesus Stories outside the borders of the United States. We are heard in over 150 countries around the world. Since we’ve begun, over 100,000 downloads have taken place. That’s about 2,500 listens per month! (That makes Jesus Stories one of the most listened to podcasts in the world!) Of those, the persecuted nation of India has the second most listeners in the world. Let’s keep sending this message around the world and down your street. Consider a donation to make this podcast financially viable. And, of course, share this message with those you meet. You might want to try the method I use to talk about this podcast by clicking this link.
You may make a one-time or a monthly donation via PayPal!
If you’d like to support us in another way, please send me an e-mail. Tell me how you’d like to support this effort. I’ll get back to you quickly.
A podcast about Jesus also requires prayer; not only mine but yours as well. Would you join me in praying about the stories of Jesus’ followers that I need to share with you? Pray for the people who listen regularly and pray for new listeners to come to the podcast and understand what Jesus’ life can mean in their own lives. Pray for me as I prepare and present these episodes. Pray that the Holy Spirit is present as I write and I listen to Him as He directs.
Personally, I always crave your prayers. At this moment, my son and his family are living with my wife and me. We are adjusting to being together. Because of the economy and the fact that my son was a minister (low pay), there is an issue with finding a new place for them to live. Both buying and renting are out of their budget. Pray for them as they seek a new place to live. And pray for us (my wife and me) as we continue to exercise patience in this arrangement. It has been a long time since we’ve lived with small children (ages 7 and 9).
This arrangement also changes how I work on this podcast – from writing, to recording and production. I’m adjusting; but it now takes more time to do what I want to do to make these episodes happen.
I also co-teach a Bible class and help to lead a small group (house church). I’ve completed the coursework I started last summer and have been commissioned as a Colson Fellow. You’ll be hearing the result of that work in my teaching on this podcast.
Managing my time is hugely important for all of these endeavors.So, I ask God’s wisdom as I meet my schedule each week.
Thank you for bringing us before Jehovah God’s throne.